August 12, 2019.

Today was not a good day. It started off good. I went for a run at 5:30 worked out a little bit after. Went to work went to the gym. Then I wanted to a new scent for myself so I decided to go to Lululemon to buy their newer deodorant product. It’s a cool product and I like the smell but after buying that I got a haircut which was meh. Then I didn’t realize how much hair was still in my head and I took a shower. Forgot to clean the leftover hair, then got yelled at. 

It wasn’t really a yell but it felt like it.

I’ve been reading  Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl It’s a very good book. I’ve read it once before but this time I am definitely more focused than the last time. When I first read it that was during my first term and I was swamped with chem, psych, and whatever else I took. It was really an afterthought and was digested in bite-sized bits of focus. inversely, My reading this time has been more focused for longer periods of time. I have just started the book so maybe the longer focus is not the way to describe it but I know that with the other books ive read lately they’ve been consumed in longer periods of focus rather than a short burst. WHICH frankly I think is the correct way for media to be consumed.

What am I saying it’s 11:20 I was helping out a friend store somethings and move some boxes. I always seem to end up in a situation where I am helping people store things late at night.

Let me take you back to the beginning of summer. San Deigo California.

It’s my brother graduation he’s been at it for four years and has finally made it. We are joyus and proud elated and well more proud. It’s a time to be enjoyed. Yet, one day before it was not that. One day before we are eating dinner when out of nowhere I am snatched from my family to help relocated my brothers friends entire room into a small storage unit. It is light when we start, but by the time we get there it’s pitch black we don’t know how to get in. And best of all we still have about 4 more carloads to transport. Luckily the lord was on our side and we met this guy who worked there and happened to be able to grant us access to the building. We get the code and then spend another 15 minutes trying to find it eventually we find it and lug everything out. Then do that again, again, and again. At this point, I am tired out of my mind and I have about a 30-minute drive home. It’s close to 11pm and I am tired. I finally get home and get some sweet rest, but not after lugging my new friend, rijit’s luggage all the way home.

Anyway, I was in a similar situation like that, My best friend Isabel decided to send up some of here stuff, but where can she put it except for my place. I volunteer to help, but it happens that her uncle who is dropping it off is running late and will be able to give drop it at 11:00pm. It happens and we eventually meet, but here I am seemingly out of just being alive push into an event where I am a moving somebody’s things into storage at 11pm.

I am finishing up this blog about 9 Days from when I started at the time I was motivated to write. I still am just every now and then I feel like I don’t have the time or I am embarrassed by my writing so I curb it. But today, 9 days later, I have lots of free time after work and I wanted to write. Today too was a good day. My sleep was pushed back by game night, but I made it work and was able to hang out with friends at our CIS end of summer bash. It may be possible that there are no more grill and games meetups after this, which though sad, would be okay. This summer has been great. I really think I personally understand myself more than I did before the summer. And though I don’t feel like I am directly improving myself. My current well being is really good and I will be able to at some point be in hard work mode, which will benefit from the training of general wellbeing that I have encouraged myself to do over this summer break.

You know, I was looking back at my blog and some of the posts made me really see and feel like I was depressed during that time, but I am glad to say that this has changed. I think I for the better I will try to post blogs that I can look back on and See happy Oliver. Maybe not the most productive, but happy and able to enjoy life. Truly, what is the point of stressing over life and missing everything, when you can slow down and just have some fun, do what you want and enjoy yourself, and the lovely people around you who have been put on this earth?


Oliver Armand

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